Problems for Small Businesses:
1: Lack of credit. Banks and lending Corps. are sitting on their reserves in anticipation of a skullfucking.
2: Lack of Inventory: The ForEx situation keeps getting worse for the Dollar, making it harder and more expensive to import product from overseas. Since the US has essentially no manufacturing left, this means the prices for a -lot- of things are being fucked with.
3: Tax Increase: 35%. That's what they're looking at: losing 35% straight off the top -just- in Income Taxes. That's not counting all the other payments they already make (Social Security, State/local taxes, Medicare, Workman's Comp, etc), -or- Obamacare. So most small business-owners are figuring on losing a minimum of 50% of each day's take immediately. That's 50% gone before they've paid the electric bill, paid their employees, paid themselves, or paid the rent. That's gone before they can buy inventory or service their debts. And it's totally unsustainable. NO business smaller than the Pentagon can stay in open when 50% or more of their income is getting snatched before they've even paid the Goddamned light bill. Guess what: paying the Officers (CEO, CFO, President, etc) comes -last- in almost any small business. All that other stuff comes first. And if somebody spends a few months not drawing a paycheck because there's nothing left after taxes, bills, and payroll...guess what? Nobody's dumb enough to do that forever, and nobody can support it. That shop will close, and all those jobs will evaporate.
4: Regs and Bullshit: See the above anecdote in regards to drains. Now extrapolate that into every possible aspect of a business. Now imagine that the rules are constantly changing, and that every change requires modifications or alterations which cost money and time. Imagine trying to run a restaurant, bar, or club when every time some pencil-pushing Inspector with a chip on a shoulder shows up it ends up costing you time and money.
"I personally think that America's interests would be well served if after or at the time these clowns begin their revolting little hate crime the local police come in and cart them off on some trumped up charges or other. It is necessary in my opinion that America makes an example of them to the world."
--Strange Famous, advocating the use of falsified charges in order to shut people up.