I was looking for a forum dedicated to shiny clothing. Go figure, I ended up here.
It's all good. I need a forum that isn't dedicated to guns, muscle cars, Droid phones...etc.
A little about me you ask? Okay, nobody asked but I should say something.
I'm a 100% normal boy, aren't we all (at least the guys)? By normal I mean I enjoy wearing shiny clothes (down jackets, pvc pants, rain gear), I wear latex a lot but under my street clothes so I don't shock others. I wear leather pants/jackets a lot of the time, especially in the colder months.
Dildos? Sure, why not

They don't expect anything afterwards.
Did I mention shiny clothes?
Oh, and I like wearing my younger brother's clothes, especially if he has worn them already. Pretty normal stuff right?
I plan to lurk and if the mood strikes I may comment once and a while. I'm not confrontational by nature, takes too much energy.
I'm a lone wolf at heart. Love the outdoors and especially a quiet pine forest.
Sooooo.....yeah that's enough about me.