We have a wildflower and a clover mead fermenting now. We had already brewed the wildflower, so we know what it is like. We tried the clover when we racked it to the secondary. I couldn't really taste a difference between it and the wf. The color is pretty different, though. The wf is darker and more "red". The clover is almost yellow in color, very little red. Honestly, it looks like urine. We were primed for bottling it around the 15th, but it is still fermenting like crazy, so we will have to put it off. Alas, it was going to represent some Christmas gifts.
It will be interesting to see how the Tupelo comes out, as it is much darker than either of those. We purchased two differerent yeasts for it - a semi-sweet and a sweet. So, we will see the difference there, too.
We brewed a coffee stout on Sunday. It smelled great with the chocolate specialty grains. It's pretty short running at 4 weeks to bottling, so I'll have a report in six weeks or so.
Gives a man a halo, does mead.
"Here lies The_Jazz: Killed by an ambitious, sparkly, pink butterfly."