When I was younger and trying to make a go with a band we all moved into an old hunting cabin for the winter. Sure it had its advantages, it was free and we could practice as long and loud as we wanted but it had no heat, no running water...and a besides and old outhouse in the woods that was falling over we had to deal with a composting toilet. It had a crank on the back that you had to turn every time you used it and I think it was supposed to be emptied every month or so, we were lazy musicians and nobody did either. Needless to say by the end of that winter it had, for lack of a better term, began to mound.
A little bit of piss left behind in a clean, white porcelain toilet by my gf will never EVER bother me after that.
Anyway the cliched advice in any relationship is to compromise, if this really bothers you have a talk about it and find out who is more put out by her not flushing. You for having to look at it or her for having to flush and try to work out something that suits the two of you best. Personally I agree with others here, its such a small issue I'd just flush it myself (if it bothered me) and forget about it. It sounds like she was a little put out by you bringing it up so why bother antagonizing her over it unless it REALLY troubles you? There are so many problems you have to face in any relationship, in my opinion sometimes you just have to shrug off the little things and accept them if you ever want to be happy.
“My god I must have missed it...its hell down here!”