Originally Posted by Zooksport2
/\ ? Oz????? NZ, surely?
Do'h (sp?) ... I maid myself laff there.
Mnh. The one time I don't complete my photographic research to the fullest, and then I get called out on it.
Mea culpa. Of course geographic circumstances mix me up. As always.
I once remember a 6-8 grade school-wide Geographic Bee, and for the first elimination question, there was given the supposition of which world nation (no, continent!) has the highest population per sq. mi. (or something similar -- concentration) ... anyway, as everyone was shuffling around giving off subsequently different answers, some countries, some continents, I didn't even decide to think about the nature of the question. I just went for the answer that I thought was most dissimilar.
Microphone present, I bellow:
I didn't even have time to sit back down before I was promptly eliminated. Fool.
(The correct answer was, of course, Europe.)