I raised two girls, but they were six years apart. I had to explain to my younger one that her sister was older and got different privileges than she did. While it was hard to watch my younger one sit home alone and miss her sister I couldn't tell my oldest she had to stay home because her little sister couldn't be out late.
If your only reason for wanting her home by ten is so that she spends time with her sister then yes, you're being unreasonable. If your younger daughter had an event to go to that kept her out later at night, or overnight, would you allow your older daughter to stay out later as well?
I think as long as she's keeping up her grades and her job responsibilities she should be allowed to make her own choices, how else will she learn what works for her and what she needs to do to make it through?
Now, if you're just concerned for her well being or having a hard time adjusting to her being gone at night then ask her to just check in with you. A simple text every couple of hours to let you know she's alright until you adjust to her being gone more might help you both feel better.
Never make someone a priority in your life when you are just an option in theirs - Author Unknown