Originally Posted by StanT
At 18, she can tell you to f off and move out. I'd keep the rules minimal.
When my daughters were 18, I locked and chained the doors at 11 on weekdays. No curfew, no rules, but if you weren't home by 11 it was going to be a big hairy deal getting in.
My 2 daughters couldn't be more different. They are sisters and generally get along; but they will never be friends. Nothing you do is going to influence that.
You're certainly entitled to negotiate rent and chores; after that, her money is none of your business. Most of us need to make a few crappy financial decisions until we figure out budgeting. Better she make her mistakes sooner, than later when the stakes are higher.
Stan's got some good advice, and it's similar to what my parents did with me when I was home during summer/breaks during college. On weekends, the rule was extended to: "The car needs to be in the driveway by the time Dad goes to get the paper in the morning (5am)."