Originally Posted by dogzilla
Yes, there's more to it than keys. Logged access to protected files, no confidential info on computers with removable media or internet connections, etc, etc. Obama failed.
No computer connected to the internet is secure. There are other secondary networks, but that seems to be encrypted and secure.
This problem started 30 years ago when the first desktop computers came on the scene. Papers are very well secured, and you would have to drill out a safe, or just be able to grab a few reports at a time. Now with large capacity USB drives that are pretty small, someone can download hundreds of thousands of documents and not even look for anything or care what they got. If there is a cover-up, a 9-11 inside job (is anything about this in these cables?), corruption, or any abuses of power that is one thing, but this isn't the right way to do it.
The only thing Obama failed at was preventing the release of these documents once he knew they had been released. If Wikileaks 'went away', I think that would send a strong message against doing this in the future. But, at the same time, it is needed because regular news won't do anything like this, the right-wing news is so biased that even if they are right it sounds like they have ulterior motives, and documentary films take years to come out and still don't get to the bigger questions.
And yes the media does have problems, yet I don't want to have to read 250,000 pages to find out what is one possible truth. Yes, media researchers should have an oversight role to keep the government honest and accountable, yet throwing everything out and letting the bad people in the world know what we are planning and thinking isn't the right way to do it.