The question you didn't answer was: why are you here, why is our approval so important? But you answered it already, I see, when you stated that you were looking for new members for your group. So I guess the vibrant defense has been more about keeping appearances up for the uninitiated than a personal endeavor.
I am sorry that I have been acerbic the last couple of posts, I admit that I have been, but in my own defense it has been mostly w. tongue in do make it so easy. You seem to take such pleasure in being inflammatory and tweaking people's noses. Asserting your authority. You know, if you have something to say about 'the real world' of sex tourism then stop tap dancing and just say it. It would be much more interesting than all of this garbage.
For instance, you don't want to be called a misogynist. Why not? You seem to have no positive regard for women. Their very nature seems menacing the way you describe it. Hell, the way you describe them, I think I would hate them...if it were true.
Is this extreme avoidance of relationships and distrust of women common among 'sex tourists'? Is it often a motivating factor?
What is the prevailing attitude amongst sex tourists about sexual slavery and forced prostitution? Is there a sensitivity to it or is it an 'eh, shit happens' kind of thing? You can tell me that it is over-hyped and I wouldn't necessarily argue with you. But there are places in the world where 'sex tourism' occurs and we know that the numbers of young men and women who are underage and/or in the business against their will is significant. Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe being particularly 'hot.' You take great umbrage at people assuming 'bad' things about you, so obviously you want to be seen as an upright person. Maybe even moral. Or am I wrong?
Also, I understand your comparison of prostitution to pornography, but I don't think anyone here is taking exception to legal prostitution nor are they saying you don't have the right to live your life as you see fit. I understand that a lot of women in porn are there for doubtful reasons, that's not a revelation. I'm certainly not surprised to know the same is true for nude models because I spent the better part of a year on the fringes of that subculture and have seen and heard some pretty wild shit from my lady comrades - some of them obviously strung out on drugs and their lives a nightmare of dysfunction. Then there were others who seemed totally centered and professional. Same goes for the women I have met in strip clubs. I've no doubt that in the places where prostitution is legal, the demographics between fucked up and happily raking in the dough is about the same among prostitutes. What's more, as long as they are there by choice, it isn't anyone else's business what their personal life is like. Nor is it a paying customer's job to fix it for them.
I guess that's all I have to say about that. I suppose it's a little disjointed.
Lastly your claim that all men are guardians of women is complete and utter bullshit. If you believe that then you really have a screw loose.
Most people go through life dreading they'll have a traumatic experience. Freaks were born with their trauma. They've already passed their test in life. They're aristocrats. - Diane Arbus
PESSIMISM, n. A philosophy forced upon the convictions of the observer by the disheartening prevalence of the optimist with his scarecrow hope and his unsightly smile. - Ambrose Bierce
Last edited by mixedmedia; 11-30-2010 at 05:58 PM..