Originally Posted by Makhnov
I have no reason to believe that this universe has a moral code. ... There is nothing out there. There is no magic on this planet, and no souls inside us. ... "Spiritual health" is absolute nonsense to my eyes. You might as well have typed a string of random keyboard characters. ... "Spiritual integrity". I have no idea what you are saying. ...
You are human male just like me, levite. The way your brain functions, the way your body functions, and the way your penis functions is not different than mine. This "spiritual" crap you spin on this forum is all well-acted theater. You are not that different from me. The only difference between me and you is that you are playing a very elaborate game, and I am telling the truth about the way the world actually functions. ...Anymore of that crap will be ignored. If you don't like it, get hell out of this thread.
Why are you so angry? And why so instinctively distrustful? And how did you come to be in such pain?
I absolutely believe you when you tell me you believe in nothing, and have no idea what I mean by spiritual integrity. Clearly you have been living in an environment so toxic that the usual human empathy and spirituality and desires to love and be loved in return have been aggressively trampled and buried somewhere deep within you, if they have not been cut out of you altogether. You must have been terribly, terribly hurt by the people around you.
It seems very unlikely that you will ever feel safe enough to open up, and look within yourself, to try and come to terms with how you have been hurt, and what it has done to you. That kind of safety will surely not come on the internet.
I also doubt that there is anything that I could say that you would listen to. But on the off chance that I am wrong, I will offer you a bit of free and sympathetic advice. Take some of the money that you're spending on prostitutes, and spend it on a good therapist instead. You need to do some serious inner work, friend. For your own good, if not for the good of those who come in contact with you.
Because I assure you, what I am saying is no game; nor should words like spirituality, soul, empathy, and love be meaningless to you, or symbols of some sort of weakness or illusion. Our spirituality, our souls, our empathy for others, our desires to love and be loved by others-- these are the things that make us human beings, that raise us at all above the most savage of animals. Without these qualities, humans become worse than any animal, for while animals attack, kill, mate by force, and devour one another merely out of instinct, and genetic desire for survival, humans without spirituality, empathy, and love are remorseless, pitiless, full of greed, and eager to trample any who get in the way of satisfying their own basest urges.
Whoever caused you the pain that you are in must have been such people. But I urge you not to follow their example. What you fear is actually your greatest strength.