I miss the old days of showing up 20 minutes before your flight with a wad of cash...
Personally I really couldn't care less about pat downs and body scanners if somebody wants to get paid to fondle my balls and look at pictures of my ass... I understand why it upsets some people but the invasiveness for some reason just doesn't bother me. I don't like it but I'm not going to get worked up because some security guard got his hands a little to close to my crotch during a clothed pat down. It is what it is.
Having said that the security procedures are getting ridiculous. What bothers me is there seems to be no real checks and balances in place rather we have an alarmist, knee jerk body that constantly changes the procedure every time something happens that they didn't foresee. It doesn't matter how invasive, time consuming, redundant or pointless the procedures are it just gives us a sense that we're fighting the good fight against terrorism. At some point we as a people need to be able to say enough is enough and just accept the risk and move on.
I have to wonder if we are just one major terrorist threat away from having to fly naked with no luggage.
“My god I must have missed it...its hell down here!”