When I was very young, 11 years old. A cat with milky fur fell in the well in my home. It was alive and we rescued it. I still remember so clear how scared the cat was and how it reacted at us. May be it hardly understood that we are actually helping it. We rescued it for two reasons. One to help the cat to get out. Two if it stays in and dies the water will be spoiled. I understood this clearly.
Next year a cat fell in a well nearby. It was an abandoned well in a empty plot. We were playing outside and heard the sound. We saw the cat inside. The well had no water. When I thought no one would bother.... The same set of folks gathered and we all tried to rescue the cat. Then we just realized this one is a wild cat. I thought we are going to abandon the effort. But no, the rescue continued. By the time we managed to get it close to the surface, we all backed off significant as the cat was furious at us.
To till date I wonder why we rescued the second cat.
Reading this thread I got so much reminded of the second cat, the wild one.
Last edited by curiousbear; 11-30-2010 at 10:16 AM..