Originally Posted by Cimarron29414
The family doesn't like it when you have to spend 8 hours bottling/brewing the Saturday before Christmas.
Our family (mine and his) are all very involved and/or supportive

His mom bought all the supplies for the cider, because it was her idea. His dad helped bottle the cider. Then, she bought him another kit for the hazelnut brown because she likes it. My folks were down visiting a couple weekends ago, and my dad helped brew the stout. Every time we talk to one or the other set of parents, they want to know what we've been working on, and could we possibly bring some with us to sample.
I think we'd only be in trouble if things had to be done on Christmas proper, but we don't have anything in fermentation right now that can't wait a day, and I doubt we'll brew anything between now and then that can't do the same.