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Old 11-30-2010, 04:12 AM   #52 (permalink)
Originally Posted by levite View Post
3. I have already noted that I support legalizing prostitution, and most other "vice" crimes. This is not about legality or illegality, but about psychological and spiritual health and integrity, as well as empathic relations with fellow human beings.
I have no reason to believe that this universe has a moral code. Wealth is obtained through horrible means. And it has been for thousands of years. And we lean back and say "Welp! You can't touch the free market cuz that would be socialism!" There is nothing going on in this world except human beings manipulating other human beings for their own profit. There is nothing out there. There is no magic on this planet, and no souls inside us. The actual nature of men's sexuality is nothing at all like the romance depicted in Twilight. "Spiritual health" is absolute nonsense to my eyes. You might as well have typed a string of random keyboard characters.

4. The majority of the participation by members at this site does not appear to be porn-oriented, but rather toward excellent discussion of many issues and amusements by relatively psychologically healthy and integrated (if quirky) individuals.
This tactic of isolating people who are different from you and deeming them "unhealthy", while calling yourself and all your friends "healthy" is very common on the internet and very stupid.

5. Whatever you think you can tell from my profile photo is irrelevant. My comments were made in regard to psychological health and spiritual integrity, not athleticism or body size. And if you're criticizing my aesthetic appeal, that is also irrelevant, in that you were not invited to have sex with me, or to judge my physical beauty. Rather, you are using this red herring of a personal attack to attempt to anger me into retaliating, so that you may feel superior. But I am not angry: to the contrary, seeing how strongly you push others away, I feel more compassion for you.
More of these nonsense phrases. "Spiritual integrity". I have no idea what you are saying. But I can attempt to glean from the rest of the words in your post what "Spiritual Integrity" means. I assume in practice, women are handed all the power and choice to run around the world selecting their male doggy pals, while the men's choices are completely sublimated. Men become passive receptacles to women's finnicky desires, however those desires change or however concealed they are. You don't mind at all being a little slave to your Mistress -- in fact you have built up in your mind an entire mythology based around "spiritual integrity". Your spiritual shtick is completely transparent to me.

6. You continue to describe women's behavior in terms that are obsessively paranoid, accusing them universally of unsavory behaviors that I, and clearly most others here also, seldom if ever have noted in our female acquaintances. That is misogyny. Plain and simple. I'm sorry if hearing that is unpleasant. But truth often is.
Your inability to note that women are doing this to you is irrelevant to whether it is actually happening. There is simply no way to avoid these behaviors, because these behaviors are precisely what defines a "relationship" in the first place! A person cannot leave their house without diving head and shoulders into a game of manipulation with other human beings. And you seek to declare your loyalty to some woman? Who does that serve? It's not serving you. It's not serving me. Oh, but I'm sure it is the "right thing to do", eh? Serve thy Female Master.

You are human male just like me, levite. The way your brain functions, the way your body functions, and the way your penis functions is not different than mine. This "spiritual" crap you spin on this forum is all well-acted theater. You are not that different from me. The only difference between me and you is that you are playing a very elaborate game, and I am telling the truth about the way the world actually functions.

So you have surrounded yourself with other delusional people who buy into your spiritual crap. You are a salesman making up pretty stories, and they are all buying it. In the end you are still engaging in persuasion and manipulation, its just that your game is wrapped up in pretty packaging. You have totally lost your ability to verbalize your sexual preferences. And even if you still retained such ability, you would never admit them out loud, because that would disturb the mythological plot you are spinning among the people you manipulate.

But we enlightened people are on a healthy spiritual path to lift humanity up to the... No. Anymore of that crap will be ignored. If you don't like it, get hell out of this thread.

---------- Post added at 03:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:53 PM ----------

Originally Posted by MrFriendly View Post
You won't, because I'm getting sense of the kind of person you are, but, you'd do pretty well to ask yourself what you have to lose by letting people in, especially women. For all your high brow talk and reasoning, all I see is another chicken shit too scared of getting hurt. It's OK though bro, been there myself too.
The world does not operate in the way you are describing. The planet earth is not a big movie where the moral good guys win in the end. If you have preferences and desires, you must take a set of rational steps to obtain those desires. You may be young right now and so you have not seen this clearly. Eventually some time in your life you will realize the truth of the matter.

I would assume that you are not very concerned with your own sexual desires and preferences, you probably could not articulate them. Or you have never really thought about it. You may be perfectly satisfied with "hooking up" with a nice girl from your workplace. If that is what you like, go do it. If you are into the girl next door, genuinely, go for it. But that is not satisfying for everyone. In my case it is not even desirable.

I don't see any indication from your posts that you take the position of levite and company. I think those people would self-flagellate in order to maintain a relationship. They would maintain the relationship no matter what, even if both parties are miserable. They would suffer through it. They do what they do and I'm not in their universe. They are on some sort of spiritual journey or some shit. I'd like to get an idea of where you stand on that, or any other thoughts would be fine too.
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