I had quite a well thought out response written and then just realised that all I'm reading is 'merher herder I'm too much of a pussy to let my shit go and see women as anything other than just people'. (And before people rag on my spelling, we use Queens English down here :P)
Keep building walls around yourself man, see how far it gets you in life. Sure as fuck didn't get me very far, now I'm late 20's and wishing I could take my younger years back and have just gone running into the dark with knives out when it came to relationships no matter what the risk.
But one is where they are, all you can do is move forward either correcting the mistakes of the past or making them all over again. So are you going to wall yourself in and play it safe so you don't get hurt? Or are you going to stand up and remember you have a pair and realise there's far worse things than a broken fucken heart and give people a chance.
You won't, because I'm getting sense of the kind of person you are, but, you'd do pretty well to ask yourself what you have to lose by letting people in, especially women. For all your high brow talk and reasoning, all I see is another chicken shit too scared of getting hurt. It's OK though bro, been there myself too.
I can't articulate myself nearly as well as the other fine folk on this forum can, I guess what I'm getting at is the question for you to ponder is: are you're choosing your life style because it's really what you want and feel, or are you're just too lazy or scared to try an alternative. Only you can answer that, for yourself, and you sure as shit don't have to justify it to anyone else. But the talk you've come here with, man, it's obvious you're not justifying it to us, because I can tell you couldn't give a shit what we think, you're justifying it to you. Spend enough times in forums and you soon realise that most of the time people aren't seeking advise or discussion, they're seeking affirmation of their own position.
If there's one thing I've come to learn, someone who knows themselves well and what they're doing doesn't justify themselves to anyone, especially themselves.
You are not a slave
Last edited by MrFriendly; 11-30-2010 at 03:45 AM..