Originally Posted by mcgeedo
I have few fears, and none at all with regard to what you may or may not do.
I have traveled extensively as well. I suspect that prostitution is no less exploitative in Los Angeles than in Bangkok, just less extensive and a smaller part of GDP.
Right. Anyone who does not live like you must be engaging in exploitation. You know this as you have "traveled extensively". And the word "exploitation" means what? Exploitation is okay in any other economic situation, it is just when a "pretty innocent princess" is involved it somehow makes it a crime. Unfortunately, the pretty innocent princess is a character you created in your mind. The real world does not work like the movies.
Whether you choose to hurt someone is independent of where you purchase sex. It's an innate part of your character.
And every human being everywhere chooses whether to hurt a person around them. Do you believe police in uniform have a magical crystal in their head that stops them from abusing their power? They don't. They, like you and me, also choose.
Abuse exists in the world. I will not deny that. But your trollish assertion that I am hurting someone is baseless slander. You know nothing about my real life.
I don't feel the need to justify my worldview; why do you feel such a need? What, exactly, are you looking for here? If you could get your wish, what would you see written by the others here?
If it is your desire to physically stop me, then I deserve an explanation for why you feel the need to put me in a prison cell.
Your misogyny is independent of your rationalizations. Selectively quoting Kant, Kegel, Focault or Elmer Fudd may help you feel better about your choices, but that doesn't sell them.
I have quoted those thinkers for specific reasons in particular conversations. Your pretending like I quote them
FOR THE MEANS OF a justification is a flat lie. Anyone can scroll up and see that you are lying.
Would you dispute that it is a success trait for the species for a man to engage in a stable monogamous relationship? I imagine you would. Tell me why, please.
Men who get women pregnant propagate their traits through their offspring? Really? I didn't know. Is there anything else you wanted to ask me?
Oh, I see. You wanted to say that such men are
better men than I am. Okay. I got it. Just make sure you read this article before you reply,
And then after you get done, make sure to log into forums for gay men to tell them how much better their heterosexual counterparts are.