I have few fears, and none at all with regard to what you may or may not do.
I have traveled extensively as well. I suspect that prostitution is no less exploitative in Los Angeles than in Bangkok, just less extensive and a smaller part of GDP. Whether you choose to hurt someone is independent of where you purchase sex. It's an innate part of your character.
I don't feel the need to justify my worldview; why do you feel such a need? What, exactly, are you looking for here? If you could get your wish, what would you see written by the others here?
Your misogyny is independent of your rationalizations. Selectively quoting Kant, Kegel, Focault or Elmer Fudd may help you feel better about your choices, but that doesn't sell them.
Would you dispute that it is a success trait for the species for a man to engage in a stable monogamous relationship? I imagine you would. Tell me why, please.