Laphroaig Scotch. Or Teachers. On the rocks or neat.
Gordon's Gin. With tonic, or a Martini, not too dry.
Sam Adams beer, but I'm not fussy about beer.
Don't drink wine very much.
Bourbon tastes like paint thinner to me.
I'm not a big alcohol drinker. If I don't like what's available, I'll drink straight club soda, OJ, or diet Coke.

Prefer Coke (diet w/ lime) over Pepsi. I like the Coke imported from Mexico, made with cane sugar instead of HFCS. I like the fruity sodas. DietRite Tangerine, Canada Dry diet ginger ale,

or Canada Dry diet tonic water, hold the gin. 2% milk over ice.

Perrier. Peligrino.