11-25-2010, 11:41 PM
#67 (permalink)
The Reforms
Location: Rarely, if ever, here or there, but always in transition
Three things.
opinion: (on the nose) “The whole Homeland Security policy has been delusional from the day after 9/11. It has been predicated on the idea that everybody is a potential terrorist, therefore everybody needs to be screened. And yet, repeatedly, every terrorist attempt since 9/11 has been, predictably, the work of readily identifiable terrorist cells. The provocative advance of full-body screening, for example, was accelerated not by an intelligent prediction of the nature of the next attack but by a familiar knee-jerk reaction to the last one, the underpants bomber. But, hey, he wouldn’t have been picked up trying to board an airplane here—he had found weak points elsewhere (Nigeria, the Netherlands) to exploit.”
[ source.]
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political commentary: (i.e., cartoons)
The Airport Security Cartoons and Comics - from the Cartoonist Group
The New Yorker's airport security cartoons from 1938-2009 - Boing Boing
( the thing is, since the last thread about the TSA popped up a year or two ago, I've been searching for this ONE particular Playboy cartoon off-and-on since then; it's possibly circa 2002-04, it was published in the magazine, and if I'm anywhere close, I'm guessing it was illustrated by Doug Sneyd, but I have not yet found it. Frustrating, I tell you.)
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To unlock your badge, all you need to do is check in at any airport and include something like “TSA,”
“grope” or — my personal favorite — “Don’t touch my junk, bro!” in your shout. Safe Travels.
Activist Lori Lamb distributes stickers to travelers to protest against TSA’s new
security procedures at Los Angeles International Airport, Wednesday, Nov. 24, 2010.
Holiday travelers dismayed by airport body scans planned protests at bustling airports
Wednesday, while the head of the nation’s transport security agency urged passengers
to comply with searches to reduce the possibility of delays on one of the busiest travel
days of the year. --(AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

by Evan Roth
As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world (that is the myth of the Atomic Age) as in being able to remake ourselves. —Mohandas K. Gandhi