I love a good read of irony. Have to say thank-you. After all, I am not one of the top miniscule percent that would benefit from extending the Bush tax cuts. The irony? Oh, that's right - the top wants the benefits w/out the costs. Who's next? The corporations?
I know - it sucks to live in a society such as ours, where we expect schools for our children and paved roads to drive on. That is such BS! How to pay for it? That's right - outsource. Oh wait - those jobs don't do that.
I don't care if you are "tea party" "green party" Democrat, Replublican, Independant, or et al. The bottom line is this - if you truly care about this country and what it stands for, you will do your part. The upper 2% will provide jobs? Since when? If that was true, our economy should be busting out of the seams over the last 10 years.