I can't speak for anyone else, but I've been offended by the actions of our government for as long as I can remember. The corruption, nepotism and lying having become 'business as usual' long before I was born.
I get the impression from some of you that we should just except all of this and more. I simply don't understand this line of thinking. Were we not founded as a nation because our forefathers were fed up with this kind of Idiocracy? Didn't they take on the most powerful nation on earth to guarantee us freedom from these things? Why is it okay to accept these things today, because it's more convenient? Really?
Why is it okay to stand up for the rights of others but not your own?
Why is it acceptable for an organization to exist within our government that has no oversight and requires no 'due process'?
Why is anyone who points these things out called a radical, reactionary, a neopuritan or conspiracy theorist?
Why is it okay for a former government official to profit from an exaggerated threat?
Why is okay for public servants to receive a pension equal to their salaries for life, from our tax dollars, while looking at the largest deficit in history?
Why is okay when the media reports on celebrities newest drunken debacle while ignoring real news?
Why is it okay for a comedian to have higher news ratings than an actual news agency?
Why is okay for oil companies to report record earning while claiming a shortage and pushing fuel to $4 a gallon?
Why is it okay for corporations to report record earnings during what the 'President' has called the worst depression since the 1920's and unemployment is in the double digits?
Why is it okay for the government to bail out corporations with our tax dollars after years of profiteering and poor business practices?
Why is it okay for the government to pass a law that hasn't been read by those voting one it?
Really, how long of a list do you want? We've let all of these things happen, said and done nothing to stop it. And this is all okay?
The most charismatic leaders through out history have always been the most destructive to their own nations and others (this is not a jab at Obama in particular), all operated under the guise that 'it's good for you'. The populous bought into the story through the controlled media and saw nothing but rainbows and unicorns, until the blood shed obscured their vision.
Why is any of this okay?
Why is it okay to spend billions on ineffective machines and initiate violating 'pat downs' when the current equipment and a few Dogs would be more effective and less expensive?
Why do you just accept what you're told and not find the facts for yourself?
Methods, application and intensity of application vary by the individual. All legal wavers must be signed before 'treatment' begins. Self 'Medicating' is not recommend. However, if necessary, it is best to have an 'assistant' or 'soft landing zone' nearby. Any and all legal issues resulting from improperly applied techniques should be forwarded to: Dewy, Cheatum & Howe, Intercourse, PA 17534. Attn: Anonymous.