Originally Posted by haywoodu
Have you ever imagined a world with no hypothetical situations?
No, they're my livelihood. But I like where you're going with this. Post something with a smidgen of discussion value and let's get it on.
Originally Posted by Jove
Plan9, are you still thinking about the girl who sent you the pictures? And you created a thread specifically because of the picture and the girl. Therefore, she wins because her entire goal was for you to think about her.
Sure, I'm still thinking about this girl. I'm also thinking about the other messages in my inbox. As not stated in the OP, I got an email today and thought of a thread question because I figured others here might have thoughts on the topic of women sending suggestive pictures to partners / former partners. And if you saw what she looked like in that tight little evening gown you'd be thinking about her, too. That and I'm glad she wins.
Women should win at these kinda games.
Alternate Smartass Answer:
Originally Posted by Plan9
No, Jove... I've been posting bullshit on TFP for the last three years because I want to win a fucking Amazon gift card.