A psychotic episode? Sign me up! Anything to make life more interesting.
I've been smoking it for 4 years or so, as painkillers do not help my back pain to settle. I also don't like to take too many pills, I usually just take my multi-vitamins. Marijuana allows me to drive to work, pain free. It allows me to sleep through ENTIRE nights. It allows me to write music, without putting my guitar down every 10 minutes to try and stretch my back in the right ways. Marijuana lets me live a normal life, and it keeps me sane. I've never had a craving to smoke the stuff, and i've never gone through withdrawal. None of my friends have anything bad to say about my medecine. I'm not even for the legalization of it past medicinal uses, and if I had a medicinal license, i'd still buy from the same dealer. Everyone against marijuana purely because they associate it with criminals is a fool. I've never committed a serious crime in my life, I've never been in a car accident, or even come close. Everyone needs to be calm about life and roll up some herbs.