Here's how I see it: Recycling is Bull Shit, it costs more and uses more energy than just producing new products from raw materials.
This is factually incorrect. I'd like to see a source for the argument that recycling costs more than producing new products. I'm on board with your idea about reusing, but justify it not by deluding yourself into thinking recycling is worse than not recycling, instead embrace reuse as 1 part of 3 that has always been the mantra of environmentalism. The best option is simply to reduce entirely, and not buy so many things that you then have to keep in order to 'reuse'. The next best is obviously reuse, and you seem to have that down. But when it comes time to realize that you're really not re-using everything, and simply hoarding some of it, then recycling is the next best option. It is in no way more energy inefficient than making new products.
Reduce, REUSE, Recycle.