Jesus Metrosexual Christ.
If I had a giant afro around my smoothspot, yeah, I might trim it to assist my partner in her attempt to swallow the throbbing love bludgeon. I get that.
But a man's armpits? Okay... A) it's an armpit and B) it's a man's armpit. As long as the dude is showering and clued into Old Spice, stop being a sissy.
Ladies, if you want to fuck a Ken Doll, move to New Jersey and find a guido. The rest of us happen to have hair on our bodies.
All this hairless crap makes me wanna have my girlfriend start cultivating her crotch fleece. So I can shove my face in it.
Originally Posted by genuinegirly
Unattended, unruly pit hair is gross. Man-stink sticks to it, it looks repulsive, and I can't fathom how it could be comfortable.
Isn't this the dude that goes like three days without showering? Maybe it's not the hair.