I've been listening to
this one adspot for the past 3+ years that speaks about Dengue fever, and it was sort of offputting to hear it
constantly played as though this is a serious medical issue in the Mid-Atlantic and/or Midwest regions (chalk this up to "N. America as a whole does not have to worry about such a far-and-away rare disease").
I know what the affliction is, and how it can render one nearly immobile for months on end, with blistering fevers on-and-off. If I'm correct, it's called the "bone-break" disease, or some other layman's derivative, for that's how it affects your body: it makes you feel as though your inner bones are actually throbbing in pain.
I wouldn't be surprised if a lesser strain of Dengue were to be found in the Florida isles, as this wouldn't be the first time it's occurred; and the disease is most often found near the Equator, on islands such as Tahiti, the Philippines Haiti, as well as in spots in Africa and India . But an "outbreak", or any real cause for concern about it, as a once-native Floridian myself, I wouldn't give it another thought honestly. Actually, I've always had what is known as
sweet blood, and I get attacked by mosquitoes and various flies mercilessly, and this illness is most easily communicable via infected insects, so... there's my second-thought cause of doubt.