I was right out of college when my father died, and my mother died 7 years ago. For both of my parents we had graveside services only. No one wanted to deal with a viewing, the church service and all that stuff, and this is what my parents wanted as well. Since then I have looked at the memory books in which people who came to the service signed their names, and I really don't remember many of those people being there. It's nice now to know that they cared and showed up, but at the time I didn't even notice. What meant the most to me were the personal notes on cards, and the letters from old friends who wrote about times they had shared with my parents. So, don't sweat it. Don't go. I hate funerals and only go when it is socially mandatory, and even then I'll beg out if I can.
As an edit, the only person who I really remember being at my father's funeral was his sister, my aunt. That was the last time I saw her. I haven't heard one word from her since. It would have meant a lot more to me if she had stayed in touch, so that is why her presence is memorable. If she had not showed I wouldn't remember it now.
Quiet, mild-mannered souls might just turn out to be roaring lions of two-fisted cool.
Last edited by Grancey; 11-20-2010 at 03:27 PM..