I reuse lots of things, both large and small, and I buy used as well.
Originally Posted by RogueGypsy
....We have several re-use centers in my area (county > 70K) ReStore being the most popular.....
There was one of these in my neighborhood until it closed last year. It was mostly office furniture (desks, file cabinets, tables, office chairs...) but also had some heavy iron storage shelves, car parts washers, vending machines, restaurant equipment, lumber, dog kennels, and lots and lots and lots and lots of paint.
I got a great office desk for my home office for $40 + another $40 delivery.

Not an Office Depot desk, but one that would sell for a couple thousand dollars at a real office furniture store.
It was missing all its little drawer cubbies which I replaced with yogurt cups, smoked oyster tins, small glass jars, etc. A couple of coffee mugs with broken handles hold all my pens, pencils, scissors, letter opener, emery boards. A broken violin bow holds a ton of rubber bands, mixed with a few hair thingies and twisty ties, a paper punch.
I like old things that are still useable. I live in a 1927 house, have 2 cars, a 1981 AMC Eagle and a 2002 SAAB, I play a string bass made sometime in the 1920s, have a great pair of Advent stereo speakers made 40 years ago. I have an M-1 Carbine made during WWII and a twenty year old Apple LaserWriter printer that still works great.
I called it quits on coffee cans though, In my life, there's just no use for them, and last spring I threw away a couple dozen.

Sorry. Now I usually buy coffee in paper bags.