I'm not sure about "Israelification' but we definitely need to take a more intelligent approach to security, instead of throwing money at it. I find absolutely nothing comforting or 'secure' about an over paid Rent-A-Cop fondling my testicles.
I don't know what the motive behind the scanners is, but security doesn't seem to be it. From what I read, they aren't very effective at detection. It's my understanding that Dogs and other less intrusive methods are far less expensive and more effective. That and to date I believe the number of terrorists discovered with these methods is ZERO.
In January I have a trip to Vegas planned. It is my intention to make this worse for them than it is for me. Up to and possibly including: Declining the Porn scanner in favor of the molester pat down, giggling and making 'sexual sounds' during the pat down, sporting the stiffest wood I can manage and eating a bowl of Yogurt before hand (I'm lactose intolerant).

I fully intend to do my utmost to end the career of a couple of these Ass hat Rent-A-Cops. I'm not above stripping down to my boxer briefs to facilitate the search either. Maybe I can save a less comfortable passenger from the embarrassment of these invasive procedures.
How this bullshit was ever introduced is beyond me. Maybe we should have all of Congress, the Senate, the President and everyone involved in HLS do a walk through on Live TV to show us how 'easy' it is.