Good points on the rest, the routine I followed for 4 days/week:
Mon: Arms/chest/shoulders
Tue: Back, gluts, legs
Wed: off
Thu: Arms/chest/shoulders
Fri: Back, gluts, legs
Sat/Sun: Off
Always at least two full days without working a group.
Another way I did briefly (in season for one season, after which I went back to 4/week)
Mon: Core (abs/back/sides)
Tue: Arms/shoulders
Wed: Gluts/Legs
This can also be adapted to M/W/F if you want, with games on Saturday though I wanted to maximize recovery before games.
Another thing to help recovery - when you first start out you're going to be sore; the third day is usually the worst. The least helpful thing you can do is sit around and baby it, stretching and light aerobics will help you get over the soreness and recover faster (this also can be true throughout your workout year).
The advantage law is the best law in rugby, because it lets you ignore all the others for the good of the game.