The Super friends got me too. I loved that show as a kid. Watching as an adult, it's a huge let down. It did make me curious though and I searched and re-watched everything I could find that I liked as a kid. Banana Splits, Hong Kong Fooey, Secret Squirrel, Land of the Lost, Speed Racer...............
Of the lot, Speed Racer was the biggest let down. I used to run home from the bus stop to watch Speed Racer, even wore Speed racer T-shirts in to my 20's. Speed and the Mach 5 were the best. As an adult, I was good for about 5 minutes of it and done.
Land of the Lost is the only favorite that has retained it's entertainment value for me.
I did however find the source of some strange beliefs I've had since youth, buried in the 'moral' of some of these shows. So psychologically, it was worth while. I was able to discard and bury some strange shit much easier after discovering the source.
Methods, application and intensity of application vary by the individual. All legal wavers must be signed before 'treatment' begins. Self 'Medicating' is not recommend. However, if necessary, it is best to have an 'assistant' or 'soft landing zone' nearby. Any and all legal issues resulting from improperly applied techniques should be forwarded to: Dewy, Cheatum & Howe, Intercourse, PA 17534. Attn: Anonymous.