Which so called tea party candidates have a stance on issues that is substantially different than the republican party? Which tea party organization has a significantly different position on issues than the hardcore republican party?
To be more specific, which tea party candidate or organization explicitly favors cutting entitlements (and no, privatizing social security isn't cutting entitlements)? Which tea party candidate or organization is in favor of reducing the federal government's involvement in the drug war, marriage issues, and foreign wars? Which tea party candidate or organizations have come out against the national security state we currently live in?
This isn't to indict the entire tea party movement. But if the only people who are actually for some sort of actual libertarian reduction of the state are people who attend the rallies but are otherwise absolutely powerless within the movement, then I don't see how the tea party can be seen as anything other than a de facto wing of the republican party. One that wants the same old Bush politics but less compromise.