personally, i don't see the result as a bad thing.
the bad thing was the policy direction chosen by the bush administration. had they acted like a civilized bunch in charge of a country for which the rule of law was important, the outcome would have been different.
so i see the problems with the verdict as being squarely at the feet of people like you, ace.
due process functions as a practical repudiation of bush period thinking.
so you've little choice but to oppose due process.
like a good little stalinist dog. do you do tricks? like purge all the engineers in heavy industry?
o and maybe if you read something not printed by conservative you'd know about the torture problem
it explains why the proceeding went as it did.
it's transparent what's happening here, ace.
the more stuff that comes out about what the bush administration allowed to happen, the worse it is for republicans.
since conservatives routinely confuse their self-interest with that of all americans, a Problem for the republicans is a national security crisis.
plus show trials=stalinism.