Originally Posted by Tully Mars
Yeah, I said it before and I'll say it again. The tea bagger motto ought to be "I got mine, fuck you."
I thought the
tea bagger comments weren't allowed here any more. As one of those who has sort of 'got his' and who has spent both significant amounts of his own money on charity as well as significant amounts of time helping out others, I find that offensive.
I'm willing to help people who are disabled or who are willing to put forth effort themselves. I've helped a couple people with training that helped them get a better job but expected them to do most of the work themselves.
The benefits I get from helping people who expected me to 'give them things'? I had one person tell me that since I had a job and she didn't that it was my responsibility to give her things. I felt like telling her that was fine as long as I started with a good kick to her ass. Another gets quite irate when my wife won't driver her to the grocery store on her schedule, even though she hardly ever offers to pay for gas. These aren't isolated instances, and kind of sour my attitude to helping out people.
When I was in high school, there was a group of kids who took the 'high' in high school a little too literally. It was no surprise to find that if they had a job at all after high school, that it was in McDonalds. I see no reason why the government should confiscate money from me to pay people who won't put forth the effort to support themselves.
Finally, I find it interesting that you take exception to someone trying to claim his employer-provided benefits. What's he supposed to do? Go on Obamacare and let the government pay his health care expenses?