Originally Posted by Shadowex3
Yeah Dunedan I'm sure the rest of the first world outranking us in virtually every (positive) measurable category really has nothing to do with the fact that literally every one of them is further left than our left wing. The right today is further right than the guy that added "under god" to the pledge, and they're deliberately and voluntarily ignorant enough that they refuse to even believe he was the guy that stuck it in there in the 50's.
The fact that taxes are higher in Europe pretty much negates everything else.
That's without considering significantly higher fuel prices. Then there's things like blatant, government sanctioned discrimination against Muslims in France, chronic unemployment among youth in several countries thanks to the way the labor market works. Riots seem to be a way of life in France. Street crime seems to be a major problem in parts of Europe. When I was on vacation in southern Europe I was warned about gypsies and pickpockets. Subways seem to be a major crime problem in some parts of Europe. When I was in Rome, just about every car on one street that looked like it was in a middle class neighborhood had some variation of the club installed. The UK seems to going down the 1984 path with street cameras on every street corner to monitor the citizens.
I spent time in just about every major American city, including spending time in some pretty seedy areas. Even in the seedy areas I felt generally safe and never felt the need to watch out for pickpockets or other street criminals.
But hey, marijuana is legal in Amsterdam. Woo hoo. I think I'll just stay in the US.
---------- Post added at 06:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:18 AM ----------
Originally Posted by Willravel
Who gets the kids when you divorce yourself from reality?
Maybe you or one of the other socialist types here could let us know how that works. After all, the government assistance programs here in the US for the last 40 or 50 years have hardly been a success.