Originally Posted by fresnelly
It's mostly psychological. The Vagina is more resilient so you can go harder with less worry of damage too.
This is very, very true.
Story time:
I once thought it would be a great idea to try anal while using a vibrator in my vagina. Bad thing is, the guy was about 8.5 inches long and I wasn't using lube. He asked me a few times if we'd need it and I figured we'd just push our way through.
The vibrator prevented me from registering the pain of my asshole ripping a few times during that 15 minutes of wild thrusting. 4 anal fissures and 1 hospital trip later, I was shitting blood for 4 weeks.
The anus is not resilient at all to that sort of thing! So, for any anal story, I say, "Always, always, always use lube!"