What's the worst job you're glad you had?
As a Sophomore in HS I went to a single A school in Southern Colorado. Because of the surrounding farms and Gas fields, families needed all hands on deck as often as possible, to help with the farms and fields. As a result, the school week was 4 days.
Not being farmers or Gas field owners in a small town, leaves us on the poorer side of broke. So my brother and I have to work if we want any spending cash. As luck would have it, this little town is at the foot of a mountain and there is a ski resort about half way up the hill. I love skiing and having a 3 day weekend, 3 days every week to ski, means I need a job.
I end up working for the resort shoveling snow. In general, shoveling snow sucks. Shoveling show off of condo roofs, really sucks. The 'regulars' get snow blowers and walkways. My friend and I get shovels and roofs. If you're looking for a little excitement in your mundane life, try shoveling snow off of a 6/12 roof. Sliding off of a condo roof sucks. Snow is not soft. You learn real fast to stand in the snow while shoveling and not on the freshly shoveled roof. Getting up at 4am so the roofs are clear for the guests by the time the lifts open, sucks. Sweating in 10 degree weather, sucks
Basically, it's a really sucky job for very little money. But, I'd get to ski for free and Demo any set of skis in the shop. So the spare change for some hot cider, staying in shape for football and wrestling, free lift tickets and skis make it all worth while. That, and I would go bat-shit crazy locked in a single wide with my family 3 days a week. There just isn't much to do outside in 6 feet of snow. I hated that job and but I was really glad I had it.
Anyone else??? Ever do something you really didn't like, but it was worth it??
Methods, application and intensity of application vary by the individual. All legal wavers must be signed before 'treatment' begins. Self 'Medicating' is not recommend. However, if necessary, it is best to have an 'assistant' or 'soft landing zone' nearby. Any and all legal issues resulting from improperly applied techniques should be forwarded to: Dewy, Cheatum & Howe, Intercourse, PA 17534. Attn: Anonymous.