Anyone else here check in on "The Onion" from time to time? Sometimes I find their stuff laugh out loud funny, yet other time it's like they try to hard. They've recently been raking VP Biden over the coals, NYT had a recent article about their Biden jokes,
article here.
I checked in today and found this-
WASHINGTON—A CNN/Gallup Poll released Monday revealed that a vast majority of registered male voters would have strongly supported a naked woman in the 2010 midterm elections.
Respondents also requested a longer, hard-copy version of the poll be sent to their home addresses.
The online survey found that regardless of political philosophy or party affiliation, 85 percent of American men in every ethnic, age, and socioeconomic group consistently chose a completely nude woman over a Democratic, Republican, or independent candidate.
"Male voters from 18 to 85 were shown pictures of the candidates running in the midterms elections and then a picture of a naked lady," head pollster Gerald Walton said. "Across the board, they favored the naked lady."
"Even in highly contested Senate races in Colorado, Nevada, and Pennsylvania, it would have been a naked-lady sweep," Walton added. "And a naked woman would have easily been elected governor in all 37 states where the office was up for grabs."
According to the survey, 52 percent of respondents who preferred the naked woman said that nipple visibility was more important than job creation; 26 percent would accept higher taxes in exchange for a close-up view of her pubic region; and 18 percent stipulated that none of the good parts should be obscured by her hands if she wanted to earn their vote.
Rest of the piece
So anyone else here like The Onion? Or maybe hate it?