Originally Posted by aceventura3
An addiction to video games can be pretty dangerous to the social, physical and mental development of a child. Perhaps, you can read some of the information on the subject. Having a 13 year old son, I see the potential problems. By the way Call of Duty Black Ops, sold $340 million in its first 24 hours. My son was not allowed to get a copy at midnight on a school night no less, he described many of his friends the next day at school as "zombies". They were up all night playing the game.
So again, I don't think I am special. I just observe what is happening. Like many things, not you specifically, but many want to pretend problems are not real. What I describe can be very dangerous to children, and parents need to get involved.
Endorphins do not cause your son to stay up playing video games. The release of endorphins may correlate with staying up all night, but they don't cause it. You're thinking of adrenaline. Second, you're comparing Call of Duty and not finishing homework to heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. You're being intellectually dishonest, Ace. If you can't think of an example of something which is both addictive and dangerous which you think children should have access to, admit it and let's move on.
Originally Posted by aceventura3
For example at one point view of homosexuality in this country was at a low level, call it X. A SF man, Harvey Milk (ed.) came along and moved X in a positive direction. I vaguely remember his fight with the "orange juice lady" I don't recall her name, but the movie about his life refreshed my memory. In that case a SF value, in my view became a US value (and the nation is still moving in that direction), now from a liberal governing point of view I see a nation revolting against what Pelosi represents. It seems clear to me, but the message may be getting lost in finding the correct words.
What it seems like you're saying is that it's not that we here in San Francisco don't have American values, we just have new values first. That seems to be true on some things, like homosexuality, but I don't know that's true as a rule. Still, what it seems like you're saying and what I think you're saying are two different things. What I think you're actually thinking is that liberals (like those in San Fransisco) pull moderates and conservatives into new things and you don't like that; it makes you uncomfortable because you feel like you're betraying your old values.