I guess this thread got unpinned, took me a while to find it.
I need to locate a version of a Christmas song. It is popular enough to get airplay during the Christmas season.
It is an instrumental version of "Deck the Hall"*, and sounds like it might be Moog-based. Certainly synthesizer.
There are two things about this version which I can point to in order to narrow it down:
(1) There are long holds between each line of the song. As I said, it is instrumental, but if there were words, it would go "(1)Deck the (2)hall with (3)boughs of (1)holly (1, 2, 3, 4) (1)Fa la la la (2)la, la (3)la la (4)la (1, 2, 3, 4)"
(2) They flat the second-to-last-"la".
Can anyone help me?
* Note: "Deck the Halls" is incorrect. There is only one hall being decorated.
I can't read your signature. Sorry.