I live less than 45 minutes south of San Francisco and I'm there at least twice a month.
I made my grandmother homemade chicken soup (Alton Brown's recipe) this morning because she has a cold. My neighbor, a Vietnam vet, is going blind, so I take out his trash and help with his landscaping. I pay all my taxes on time. I'm a small business owner and if things keep going the way they're going, I might have to hire on people at a respectable wage. I've voted in every election since I was 18. I support other local businesses. I'm not in debt. I donate to charity.
What exactly is it about San Fransisco liberals that would make you think we don't have "American values"? Is it because I don't want to prevent people in love from getting married, violating the 14th Amendment? Maybe it's because I don't like it when our troops are killed in a country that was never a threat to our country? Oh, I know! It's because I believe in the wall of separation between church and state!
I wonder which values Representative Pelosi lacks that people in North Carolina have. I have family in North Carolina (a blue state now). Maybe I can ask them why they're real Americans and I'm not.