Originally Posted by dc_dux
What bad legislation?
There are many threads on specific issues and legislation. The biggest was health-care reform.
The comprehensive ethics reform - her first order business as Speaker in 07 (that Boehner may gut)? The pay equity for women act? The credit card bill of rights act? The financial reform act regulating Wall Street? The campaign finance reform (that Republicans killed in the Senate).
Much of the above contributed to our current economic condition, and none of the above in the minds of voters addressed unemployment.
So you must mean the bi-partisan TARP legislation that Bush signed.
Or health care reform that most Americans, while perhaps not liking all of it (based on the massive misinformation campaign) dont want repealed,
My premiums are going up by 13% next year. I only have the choice of one carrier with a competitive premium, my current one, given my circumstance. This hybrid compromised legislation, needs to be fixed - she knew that, but passed it anyway. Why not get it right? Why not fight for single payer and get the votes if that is what she wanted? Why sellout with bad legislation? Was it just to push it through? Well that worked well, didn't it.
or the stimulus, which many Congressional Republicans opposed while bragging at home about bringing jobs to their state/district (with stimulus money).
No doubt that politicians are political. But the stimulus has not worked. Again, bad legislation with inadequate controls.
For most Americans, the election was about the economy. Pelosi was added into the mix because it sells.
Isn't that a problem? Why have a speaker or a party leader who the opposition is able to effectively trash in ads? What is the point of leadership in your mind?
Hell, nearly 40% of Americans cant even name the sitting Vice President (recent poll). So do you really think they know anything about Pelosi other than what they hear on Limbaugh/Beck.
The anti-Pelosi message worked. I live in NC, in the months prior to the election, almost every political conversation I had ultimately included some comment on Pelosi being a San Francisco liberal not understanding real American values (I am paraphrasing the comments of many people), so your suggestion that Americans don't get it, suggests to me that perhaps it is you who does not get it. Nothing personal, but perhaps there is a need for DC types to spend time outside of DC.