Originally Posted by roachboy
so apparently this fake commission was funded by several of the usual suspects in rightwing circles who are actively interested in protecting military funding by pretending that the way to deal with the "problem" of "the deficit" is to "cut entitlements."
Many deficit commission staffers paid by outside groups
so if you have enough money, you can buy yourself a nice little "presidential commission" and it's "report" regardless of whether it exists or not can bob to the surface for a news cycle or two and even if the "presidential commission" gets revealed as the fraud it is, the "report" still bobs around for a news cycle or two and this crackpot notion of "deficit reduction" meaning "don't cut the obscene levels of military expenditure but rather punish the poor" gets a little more traction for a few minutes.
ain't american capitalism fucking grand?
A couple commentaries I read say this isn't going much of anywhere, but that's not just the fault of conservatives.
I read thru the PDF that was released
http://msnbcmedia.msn.com/i/MSNBC/Se...hair_Draft.pdf which quite clearly includes proposals for cutting military spending as well as discretionary spending and entitlements. Specifically pages 19 and 20 of this PDF.
If we are going to fix the debt problem, everybody gets to sacrifice, including the lower income people since every group helped contribute to the problem. Specifically, lower income groups maxing out their credit cards buying junk they didn't need and signing up for mortgages they had no business signing up for in the first place.
I've read some rather interesting news reports in the last few weeks about how first France and now the UK are cutting entitlement spending. Maybe Europeans are beginning to realize entitlement programs aren't really affordable after all.
So what entitlement programs are you willing to cut?