Originally Posted by mirevolver
I am a republician christian and I believe that the first amendment holds true:
"Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free excercise thereof;"
In other words, congress cannot pass a law that says you must worship a particular god, nor can they pass a law saying you can't worship at all.
Now to quote Frank Herbert (Author of Dune) "When religion and politics ride in the same cart, the whirlwind follows close behind."
It seems funny to me then that religious organizations get tax exempt status, it's kind of like violating the constitution to me. Churches should have to pay taxes just like any other for profit business. (Church's are indeed businesses and they do operate for a profit, even if they operate under the guise of non-profit. How then would they have events and add on to the church?)
-On another note, it should be illegal for any politician to so much as mention or make reference to his or her religious beliefs because it should have no standing, and they use that as a means to get votes, which is a violation of the constitution.
- I am also an atheist republican, at least your not alone lol