I save everything off of the camera in TIFF now. I took those when I got the camera a couple of years ago, before I knew how to preserve the quality. They've been through 4 JPEG saves. Camera-transferred to the Computer-edited and sized for web, saved again-uploaded to photobucket.
I use IRFAN View for all of my quick resizing and batch editing. It's light, fast and free.
I've been playing with Gimp 2.6 and Paint.net for more advanced editing and manipulation. Gimp is by far the champ there, but my dinosaur P4 with 2 gigs of RAM is pushed to the limits with any advanced work in Gimp.
I found a CHKDSK hack for my little Canon A550 that will allow me to shoot in RAW. I think it adds TIFF too. I'll be playing with that soon too.
I'd give my left nut for a 5D, but I'd be very happy with a T2i. I thought it would be a good idea to learn how to shoot before diving in too deep. Now I'm happy with my understanding of the subject and will likely end up with a T2i within a year.
Your shots from your phone are outstanding, If you're looking for a good photography group, try these guys. I learned more from them in a year than I will ever need to know.
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Thanks for the kind words.