Well, shit, I've been many of those stereotypes over the course of my very short and insignificant "shooting career." I've been KirStang with fifty tons of MOLLE. I've been the dork with a Kabar in Iraq. I've made all the mistakes. At least I can laugh at it. I know I'm a complete dumbass that can't shoot.
Example: I shot the barrel off my Robinson M96 at the range across from the best buffet in the universe at Bragg in front of a dozen left shoulder heavy strangers. I didn't check the barrel lock pin or it failed on me somehow and I nearly turned the 16" quick detach barrel into a fucking launch grapnel. Dumbass E5 with a rare $1k+ tacticool rifle and no common sense? I've been that guy. Everybody else laughed at me. I might as well laugh at myself. It's no harder to live that down than my gone-too-far attempt at super-serious-no-really Taurus humor early in my TFP career. WHICH NOBODY GOT.
C'mon, Walt... laugh at something, goddamnit.
Last edited by Plan9; 11-10-2010 at 08:46 AM..