Make the
Twilight series appeal to men?
Originally Posted by Willravel
So let's take from Twilight what might be key components:
A war or other conflict between vampires and werewolves
A romantic interest between a vampire and a human
In all seriousness, I think it would take actually reading the books to be able to give an informed opinion; something I'm not going to do. One problem is that I've actually read other books written for teenage girls. For the most part they were pretty terrible, not that the writing itself was bad(though it often was) but the perspective is totally unappealing to me and for the most part the authors write male characters to be exactly the way teenage girls think men are.
The other problem is the 'mainstreaming' of certain fantasy genres that were exclusively read by us nerdy kids 15 years ago. I'm not willing to take the chance on something like twilight out of my near certainty that it will ruin an entire genre for me. Same reason I haven't read any of the
Harry Potter series.