Thread: COLLABORATE Twilight for Men
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Old 11-09-2010, 10:40 AM   #1 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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Twilight for Men

The joke is simple: hot lesbian vampires. You may have seen the image floating around the internet of two hot, naked, lesbian vampires making out with the demotivational comment "Twilight for Boys" or "Twilight for Men". Hardy har har, of course, but it got me thinking: what if someone decided to make a version of the romantic vampire genre geared more towards male audiences instead of female tweens?

I went back over the past few years and found a couple of movies that were made more for teen and adult males that made a decent amount of money and got good reviews: Inception, Iron Man 2, The Hangover, Star Trek, and The Dark Knight. I'm not saying women don't enjoy these films, of course, but superheroes, science fiction, and low-brow humor are usually considered "guy movies".

So let's take from Twilight what might be key components:
A war or other conflict between vampires and werewolves
A romantic interest between a vampire and a human

What might be missing that could be considered guy movie components:
Science, or speculative science
Humor, particularly that of the Todd Philips movies
Complex story
Compelling villain

Stuff that should probably be omitted:
Teen girls being shallowly melancholy and even suicidal
Whatever the fuck is going on here

Okay, TFP, it's a silly assignment, but what do you think would make for a guy-oriented version of Twilight?
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