i dont think adequate information is out there about how the actually existing nancy pelosi has worked as speaker. instead you have conservative cartoon infotainment meant to help channel the faithful into yet another group hate, which conservatives seem to enjoy or at least find themselves drawn to enough so that the media apparatus that lets the right know what it is concerned about and the ways it is concerned about those things keep working the form. i think you'd do well to read more about how pelosi the actually existing human being has performed in the real-life office of speaker.
there was no overwhelming disagreement. there was a crumbling of the center. it was not a referendum on nancy pelosi, the last election, no matter what the bubbleheads on fox news might say. **for them** maybe it was. but who gives a shit what they think?
you can't play the game of whining about reference to the bush administration since it was the catastrophic policies of that administration---which built on 30 years of other republican style catastrophic policy--that landed us here in the first place. the obama administration has had to run from the outset to manage the disaster that the bush administration set into motion. the only reason the right bitches about saying as much is that their marketing people know---they know---that referencing historical reality, and so speaking coherently about the world as it is, means that the republicans would have to run on their record. if they had to do that they'd be fucked. so they pretend they're something else, so imaginary party of imaginary mavericks. but you have to have memory problems to buy that. and if you do buy that nonsense, it's little wonder that you find other conservative policies coherent---memory problems like that are not far from cognitive issues. you can figure out the rest of the demonstration. moves in a straight line.
again, you can't evaluate "leadership" if you've no clue what actually goes on.
well, maybe you can---but that'd mean we're talking conservatism here, a place in which reality is just a pesky addendum. mavericky maverick "vision" is what we want, right?
that the mavericky maverick "vision" is exactly the same old shit the right's been peddling for 30 years bought and paid for by the same old tired deep pockets...that's just that pesky reality stuff again. bad reality. bad. not big enough for "visionaries"
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear
it make you sick.
-kamau brathwaite