I've read every post in this thread. As far as I see it, my original point still stands. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I'm a big dummy.
You wanna talk about what the US needs to do to reduce the global jihad movement? Okay. I can do that.
They have all sorts of great books on this topic. One of them is
Good read.
As I see it? The US just can't stop sticking its fingers in other people's pies. And when we do? We do it poorly.
We should stop that. And we should also engage in a proper propaganda war. We're losing that one bad.
The GJM is often staffed by lone wolf types that receive recruitment, brainwashing and training via WebTubes.
The problem, of course, is that we always add more fuel to the fire than we spend on extinguishing the blaze.
The US (all Westerners) and white people are The Enemy to All That is Good for Islam to these guys.
The only difference between these guys and GWoT-loving towelhead-eradicatin'
Real Americans is the team.
That's humanity for you. Not everybody can play nice because not everybody wants to.
It's in our nature to destroy ourselves. We fight for resources. When that is met? We fight for ideas.
/every history book ever